The Certificate of Recognition (COR™) program is an effective tool to assess the Occupational Health and Safety Management System providing a great advantage when bidding on work in the construction industry. COR™ is a pre-qualification requirement for contracts with both public- and private-sector construction projects working in and out of the province. In Ontario the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA) offers the Certificate of Recognition.

RMG Consulting Group Inc. can assist your company with management of your Health and Safety program and guide you to COR recognition. RMG Consulting Group has a 100% success rate achieving and maintaining COR2015 and COR2020 standards. Our consultants are COR experts!

“RMG is an official IHSA Associate Auditor of only 22 in Ontario. We can perform your COR external audit for the IHSA. Call us to book your external audit to become COR certified!”

COR 2020


1- Must have an active WSIB account

2- A senior management Representative designated to oversee the Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS)

3- OHSMS must be in place for at least 1 year before the initial audit


In general, the COR process is a 3 years cycle of audits, first year starts with an initial internal audit submitted to the IHSA followed by an external audit from the list of approved auditors by the IHSA, if successful the company receives Certificate of Recognition (COR), 2nd and 3rd years are internal audits submitted to the IHSA, when successful the company receives a Letter of Good Standing before repeating the 3 years cycle again when it ends.

The steps of initiating the process are as follows in this order:

1- Register the WSIB account

2- Training

3- Internal & External Audit

4- Achieving Certificate of Recognition

5- Continual Improvement


Filling a COR Application form using your company information and your WSIB account, once registered the company can use the registration number for bidding purposes.


The designated senior manager will complete one course (COR Essentials) in class or online.

One designated full-time employee designated as the company internal auditor will complete 4 courses (COR Essentials) – (Basic Auditing Principles) – (COR Internal Auditor) – (Introduction to Hazard & Risk Management)

It is recommended to have more than one employee trained on these courses

Audit Scoring:

In order to pass any internal or external COR Audit, the company must achieve:

1- An overall Score of 80%

2- A minimum score of 65% on each COR element

3- A 100% score on all legislated requirements

Year 1

An internal audit is prepared by the company and submitted to the IHSA for review, an administrative pre-assessment will be done by the IHSA to ensure audit is aligned with the benchmark, if not will be returned to the company for any changes needed. Once the internal audit is approved by the pre-assessment, the audit will be reviewed by the IHSA within 60 days, if the company fails the audit, they have 6 months to fix the gaps otherwise they start over but if they pass the review they should prepare for the external audit.

External Audit

You have 6 months to arrange an external audit from the list of approved auditors by the IHSA, you cant have the same auditor or company for 2 consecutive audits

If you don’t pass the external audit, you will have to implement corrective actions from the audit plan and re-audit in 6 months otherwise you start over.

Year 2

Internal audit is performed by internal auditor and submitted to the IHSA for review, if not successful, you have 90 days from your certification anniversary date to correct and re-submit. If corrective actions are not implemented:

After 30 days from your anniversary, your status changes to pending but you are still certified and can bid for projects

After 90 days from your anniversary, you will have to start over the process

Year 3 (SAME), Repeat the cycle next year.

It is recommended to start your audits at least 90 days before your certification anniversary date to allow time for any corrective actions or gaps to be covered.

COR 2020 Changes

*The new COR 2020 aligns with MOL training & skill development’s accreditation standard that allows for financial rebates & recognition for employers under the next 2 programs:

1- Supporting Ontario’s Safe Employers (SOSE)

2- Health & Safety Excellence

*COR 2020 is reduced to 14 elements by blending some of the existing new requirements while it added the following new subjects:

1- Procurement & Change Management

2- Contractor Management

3- Control of Documents

4- Control of Records

* The new 14 elements of COR are generally asking for a Policy statement for each element and a procedure that must contain some specific subjects and details depending on the element and its material

The new requirements for all 14 elements are listed here below:


The organization shall establish, implement, monitor and maintain an occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) in accordance with the requirements of this Standard. The OHSMS shall:

a) Have a written policy statement and procedure(s) for each element. This shall include roles and responsibilities for relevant workplace parties

b) Support worker participation by identifying and removing barriers to participating in the OHSMS.

c) Have a mechanism for communication to and from all appropriate workplace and external parties. Communication must be in a way that the receiver understands the message

d) Ensure workplace parties are trained and competent for the implementation of the element e) Be evaluated to ensure effectiveness and continual improvement

f) Be revised and updated as needed.

5.1 Health and Safety Policy

5.1.1 Senior management shall establish, implement, monitor and maintain a documented occupational health and safety policy appropriate to the scale and nature of the organization’s operations and activities, and associated risks.

5.1.2 The policy shall:

a) Provide a framework for setting and reviewing OHS objectives and continual improvement of the OHSMS and OHS performance

b) Confirm senior management and management’s commitment to provide a safe and healthy work environment for the prevention of injuries and illnesses

c) Express a commitment to be in compliance with applicable OHS legal and other requirements d) Express a commitment to work in a spirit of consultation and co-operation with workers

e) Address health and safety responsibilities for workplace parties

f) Be signed by senior management and dated

g) Be current

h) Be visibly posted in the workplace

i) Be reviewed at least annually

j) Be communicated to workplace parties

5.2 Hazard Assessment, Analysis and Control

5.2.1 The organization shall establish, implement, monitor and maintain a documented policy statement and procedure for assessing, analyzing and controlling hazards that is appropriate to the nature of the hazards and level of risk.

5.2.2 The procedure shall include:

a) Requirement to conduct hazard assessments for all operations, including routine and non-routine and human factors, where work is performed

b) Requirements for reporting actual and potential hazards

c) Requirement to conduct risk assessment for identified hazards: • Proactively prior to commencement of tasks • When equipment, material, substance or process is introduced or changed • When a change to the OHSMS may impact workplace operations or activities (See also Section 5.14.2 Management of Change)

d) Requirement to Identify hazards originating outside of the workplace that may impact OHS within the workplace for which the organization has control

e) Consideration of legal requirements and associated standards and guidelines

f) Consideration of design and layout of the work area, ergonomics, machinery and processes g) Requirement for involvement of appropriate competent personnel such as workers, supervisors, maintenance, engineering and suppliers in the hazard assessment process

h) Requirement to prioritize risks before and after identifying controls

i) Development of a list of identified critical tasks and/or activities

j) Determination of control measures using the hierarchy of controls: 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering controls 4. Administrative controls 5. Personal protective equipment

5.2.3 The hazard assessment, analysis and control measures shall be documented, current, reflect actual practice and made available to affected workplace parties.

5.3 Controls

5.3.1 The organization shall establish, implement, monitor and maintain a documented policy statement and procedure for controlling hazards identified in 5.2 of this Standard.

5.3.2 The controls shall be developed following the hierarchy of controls, accurately reflect the organization’s activities, take into account applicable legal and other requirements such as standards, guidelines or manufacturer instructions.

5.3.3 Control measures shall be documented, communicated, and made readily available to the affected workplace parties at the point of use as required.

5.4 Procurement and Contractor Management

5.4.1 The organization shall establish, implement, monitor and maintain a documented policy statement and procedure for procurement and contractor management/outsourcing.

5.4.2 The procedure shall include:

a) Hazard assessment, analysis and control for procured goods and services following the methodology required in Sections 5.2 Hazard Assessment, Analysis and Control and 5.3 Controls of this Standard

b) Occupational health and safety criteria for selecting, monitoring and evaluating contractor/service providers. The criteria shall include: • The ability and competency of the contractor to be able to assess, analyze and control hazards arising from their own work that may impact the organization’s workers • The ability and competency of the contractor to be able to assess, analyze and control hazards arising from the organization’s work that may impact the contractor’s workers • Communication with workplace parties when there are changes affecting the health and safety of the work

c) Requirement for the organization to lead the coordination and integration of relevant portions of the organization’s OHSMS on multi-employer or multi-contractor worksites.

5.5 Company Rules

5.5.1 The organization shall establish, implement, monitor and maintain a documented policy statement and procedure for company rules.

5.5.2 The procedure shall:

a) Include responsibilities for setting, implementing and complying with company rules

b) Ensure both standard and work location specific rules are available

c) Require company rules to be written and either visibly posted or provided to each employee d) Ensure company and workplace specific rules are clearly explained to workers in a way that they understand them

e) Include a progressive disciplinary policy

f) Ensure company rules are applied and consistently enforced throughout the company.

5.6 Personal Protective Equipment

5.6.1 The organization shall establish, implement, monitor and maintain a documented policy statement and procedure for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

5.6.2 The procedure shall:

a) Ensure activities requiring PPE are documented and specific criteria is used to select appropriate PPE for all activities

b) Include written rules and/or guidelines for the proper fitting, care and use of PPE and ensure workers are made aware of them

c) Ensure that appropriate PPE is provided and/or made available to workers for specific activities

d) Include requirement for inspection and maintenance of PPE as per manufacturer’s and legislative requirements

e) Ensure management, supervisors, workers, sub-contractors and suppliers of service use required PPE.

5.7 Preventative Maintenance

5.7.1 The organization shall establish, implement, monitor and maintain a documented policy statement and procedure for preventative maintenance 5.7.2 The procedure shall include:

a) An inventory of items to be maintained

b) Requirement for use of preventative maintenance schedules

c) Requirement to meet manufacturers’ preventative maintenance guidelines and legislated requirements

d) Requirement to keep records including corrective actions taken

e) Qualifications for worker(s) performing the inspection and maintenance

f) Requirement to remove overdue and/or defective tools, equipment, facilities and vehicles from service.

5.8 Training and Communication

5.8.1 Training The organization shall establish, implement, monitor and maintain a documented policy statement and procedure for training. The procedure shall include:

a) Setting roles and responsibilities for those administering and managing the training procedure

b) Identifying competencies for each task (See also Section 3.0 Definitions for definition of competency)

c) Determining OHS training needs by: • Conducting training needs analysis • Reviewing legislated training requirements

d) How the training will be administered and managed

e) Evaluation of learning

f) Method for maintaining training records Training shall:

a) Take into consideration differing levels of responsibilities, ability, language skills and literacy b) Include training as prescribed by relevant legislation and other requirements

c) Include information on the organization’s OHSMS including purpose, roles, responsibilities and rights, importance of conformity, potential consequences for deviations or noncompliance and importance of workers’ participation within the OHSMS

d) Be provided prior to the individual performing the relevant task.

e) Include a relevant orientation program that: • Is completed prior to starting work • Is provided for new and young workers, returning workers, change of position • Is mandatory for all workers

5.8.2 Communication The organization shall establish, implement, monitor and maintain a documented policy statement and procedure for OHS communication. The procedure shall include:

a) Senior management holding regularly scheduled company-wide OHS meetings with all employees that includes the OHSMS and its implementation

b) Communication delivered in a manner that is understood by the receiver of the message and considers ability, language skills and literacy

c) Communication that provides opportunity for input from workers

d) Receiving, documenting and responding to internal and external OHS communications.

e) Tailgate or toolbox talks or their equivalent.

5.9 Workplace Inspections

5.9.1 The organization shall establish, implement, monitor and maintain a documented policy statement and procedure(s) for workplace and pre-use inspections.

5.9.2 The procedure(s) shall include:

a) Requirement to conduct and keep records for workplace inspections including identifying and preventing potential nonconformities and corrective actions

b) Requirement to conduct and keep records for pre-use inspections of vehicles, machines, tools and equipment including corrective actions

c) Inspection frequencies and who must complete them

d) Appropriate worker participation in the inspection process

e) Requirement to meet all legislation and manufacturers’ requirements.

5.10 Investigations and Reporting

5.10.1 The organization shall establish, implement, monitor and maintain a documented policy statement and procedure for reporting and investigating incidents.

5.10.2 The procedure shall include:

a) Roles and responsibilities of workplace parties for reporting incidents and for conducting investigations in a timely manner

b) Requirement that personnel have been trained in legislative and company specific reporting requirements and investigation procedures

c) Actions to mitigate any additional consequences of the incident

d) Determination of OHS deficiencies including root causes of the incident

e) Determination of corrective and preventative actions

f) Communication of investigation results and corrective and preventative actions to interested parties

g) A process measuring the effectiveness of the corrective and preventative actions.

5.10.3 The organization shall maintain records of incidents and investigation reports.

5.11 Emergency Preparedness

5.11.1 The organization shall establish, implement, monitor and maintain a documented policy statement and procedure for emergency prevention, preparedness and response.

5.11.2 The procedure shall include:

a) Identification of potential emergency situations

b) Documented response plans including roles and responsibilities of relevant personnel

c) Input of relevant interested parties

d) Identification of resources needed to implement the emergency response plans taking into consideration the needs of other interested parties

e) Requirement for emergency equipment to be in place, well-marked and regularly inspected and maintained

f) Prevention or minimization of injury or occupational illness for the identified emergency situations

g) Provision to transport injured workers to medical facility

h) An appropriate emergency communication system

i) Requirement for training for emergency response appropriate for roles and responsibilities

j) Periodic testing of the emergency response (e.g. drills) in a way that does not introduce new hazards and the maintenance of records of testing and corrective actions

k) Periodic review of emergency procedures and response plans at least annually and revision as appropriate

l) Communication of relevant information to all involved including workers, visitors, contractors, emergency response services, government authorities and the community regarding emergency response.

5.12 Statistics and Records

5.12.1 The organization shall establish, implement, monitor and maintain a documented policy statement and procedure to organize, monitor, and regularly measure their OHS performance.

5.12.2 OHS performance shall be measured at a specified frequency and:

a) Include qualitative and quantitative measurements appropriate to the organization

b) Include leading and lagging performance measures

c) Compare current health and safety performance with past performance

d) Include analysis of statistics and identification of trends

e) Include analysis of first aid treatment records

f) Results shall be recorded and communicated to relevant workplace parties.

5.13 Legislation and Other Requirements

5.13.1 The organization shall establish, implement, monitor and maintain a documented policy statement and procedure for identifying and complying with all applicable legislation.

5.13.2 The procedure shall include:

a) Identification of applicable legislation, regulations, standards and any other requirements

b) Methods to ensure compliance with applicable legislation

c) Currency of all documentation related to legislation, regulations, standards and any other requirements

d) Visible posting or availability of relevant legislation at each workplace as required

e) Evaluation of compliance to legislation at regularly planned intervals and retention of records of evaluations

5.14 Management Review and Management of Change

5.14.1 Management Review The organization shall establish, implement, monitor and maintain a documented policy statement and procedure for senior management to review the effectiveness of the OHSMS at regularly planned intervals, and at least annually. The input to the management review shall include:

a) Evaluation of the effectiveness of all elements of the OHSMS

b) Status of actions from previous management reviews

c) Results of internal audits, including COR™ audits

d) Evaluations of compliance with legal requirements

e) Results of participation and consultation with employees/ H&S Representative / JHSC

f) Communication from external parties

g) OHS performance of the organization

h) Evaluation of the extent to which OHS objectives have been met

i) Status of incident investigations, trends identified, implementation of corrective actions, implementation of preventive actions and status of action taken

j) Changing circumstances related to the OHS such as developments in legal requirements or technology

k) Recommendations for improvement The output to the management review shall include decisions related to:

a) OHS policy updates

b) Measurable OHS objectives

c) Action plan to achieve objectives

d) Required resources

e) Any other elements of the OHSMS as appropriate

f) Communication of the objectives and action plan(s) to all personnel Management review shall be documented and the records retained.

5.14.2 Management of Change The organization shall establish, implement, monitor and maintain a documented policy statement and procedure for managing occupational health and safety change. The Management of Change procedure shall be initiated by:

a) Changes in legal requirements

b) Significant changes in work processes, control measures, equipment, organization, work location

c) Introduction of new products, processes or services

d) Introduction of new developments in OHS knowledge or technology Elements 5.2 Hazard Assessment, Analysis, Control, and 5.3 Controls will be applied to any identified changes. Where appropriate, the organization shall provide information and training for any affected personnel.

Why It’s Important

  • By achieving COR™, employers can demonstrate that their health and safety management system has been developed, implemented, and evaluated annually through comprehensive internal and external audits.

  • Being proactive with respect to hazards and accidents in the workplace, developing and maintaining a Health and Safety Management System is always the right approach for the protection of all workers.

  • COR™ certification encourages higher participation of your employees in the Occupational Health and Safety System.

  • Companies that have the COR™ certification give your organization a competitive advantage over other companies since the buyers of construction make COR™ as a requirement for contractors bidding on jobs in order to be more confident in the contractor's health and safety performance.

  • COR™ enhanced your corporate image, within the industry and community, as a company that is highly committed to creating a strong safety culture and attracting safety-conscious workers.

  • Your program will comply with COR™ national standards.

Image taken from the Toronto Star, 2019.